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Insights July 2024

Czech Republic is preparing a new incentive scheme for the video games industry

The Czech Republic will soon join a group of European countries that offer incentives to the video games industry. The video games industry has been one of the fastest growing sectors in the Czech Republic in recent years, and enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide – despite the lack of any kind of state support. However, this will likely soon change with the adoption of an amendment to the Czech Act on Audiovision (the “Amendment”). Some of the most significant new changes introduced by the Amendment are the transformation of the current Czech Film Fund into the Czech Audiovisual Fund (the “Fund”) and the extension of the state incentive system to include the video games industry. According to the Amendment

Insights July 2024

Romania strengthens screening of EU investments

Further to the December 2023 amendments to the Romanian regime for screening inbound direct investments (that we previously covered here), which formally included EU investors within the scope of screening, the Romanian Parliament has adopted a new law (the “New Law”) to further strengthen the approach towards EU investors. The New Law explicitly extends to EU investors the sanctions regime previously applicable to non-EU investors. Gun jumping will be treated in the same manner regardless of the investor’s nationality, with potential sanctions of up to 10% of worldwide turnover applicable to EU and non-EU investors alike. This was not an oversight in the December 2023 amendments, but rather the government’s preferred

Insights July 2024

Expanding opportunities for retail investors in Kazakhstan: AIFC's influence on the new legislative framework

According to the official website of the Government of Kazakhstan, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market is working on a new legislative proposal with the goal of broadening the participation of retail investors in collective investment schemes (the "CIS") across Kazakhstan. Currently, the CIS retail business is mainly possible within the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC). While this could be seen as competition with the AIFC, in the long term, the adoption of such a law will help create a solid platform for the development of funds not only within the AIFC but also throughout Kazakhstan. In these proposed innovations, we see the influence of the flexible

Insights July 2024

Individuals are advised to check their personal online tax accounts for real property tax liability

In Ukraine, individuals are obliged to pay the respective real estate tax upon receiving a notification-decision from the tax authorities, which should arrive by July 1. Even if such a decision is not received by this date, the tax authorities still have a three-year period within which valid payment notifications can be sent. The tax authority regularly updates its tax database, so the safest way to check one’s tax liability is to use a personal online tax account on the official website of the tax authority. The attached alert outlines the key points regarding the payment of real estate tax for individuals, namely who must pay the tax, in what amount, within what time frame, etc. Please read below our overview in English

Insights June 2024

Minority shareholder protection in the AIFC, Kazakhstan

In private companies limited by shares, the most popular form of company established in the Astana International Financial Center ("AIFC") shareholders range from those with majority ownership stakes (i.e. greater than 50%) to those with smaller holdings. The latter, known as minority shareholders, often face challenges due to their limited ability to influence business decisions. Our expertise lies in safeguarding the rights of minority shareholders, offering advice on protection strategies and negotiation tactics to ensure fair outcomes in disputes involving misconduct by directors or controlling shareholders. After five years of closely monitoring the AIFC legislation and practicing corporate law within the AIFC, we believe

Insights June 2024

The new EU AML framework and its far-reaching implications  

The Council of the European Union has recently adopted a new set of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) rules, nearly three years after the European Commission unveiled its package of legislative proposals. The legislative package introduces significant changes to the EU’s AML and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) landscape, including: A more detailed and synchronised approach as to implementing parts of the AML/CFT regulations such as in respect of client due diligence, internal policies and identification of beneficial owners; A requirement for each obliged entity to have a compliance manager (member of the management body/senior management); Extending the list of obliged entities to include (amongst

Insights June 2024

Czech Republic opens up labour market to nine countries

The Government of the Czech Republic has introduced new regulations opening up the country’s labour market to citizens of nine countries. The measures, effective from 1 July 2024, are intended as a step towards a more open and flexible labour market in the Czech Republic. Specifically, citizens of Australia, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, the UK, US and Israel will no longer require a work permit, employee card, intra-company transfer card or blue card to work in the Czech Republic as of 1 July 2024. The changes abolish an existing requirement for job-seekers to supply details of employment contracts, evidence of professional qualifications or education, a transfer letter and documents evidencing the

Insights June 2024

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: An Overview of Banking as a Service

In an era defined by digital transformation and the ever-evolving landscape of financial services, the concept of banking as a service (“BaaS”) has emerged as a key force reshaping the industry. By enabling non-bank entities to offer financial services through partnerships with licensed banks or financial institutions, BaaS has opened up a new realm of possibilities, facilitating innovation, enhancing customer experience and promoting financial inclusion. However, realising these opportunities is closely linked to navigating the complex regulatory framework that governs BaaS operations. BaaS can take various forms, allowing non-licensed entities to provide financial products such as banking, payment, e-money

Insights June 2024

Update on the ESG reporting obligations in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia

CSRD implementation uneven a month before deadline June 2024 – With less than a month to go before the 6 July 2024 deadline for transposing the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (EU) 2022/2464 (the "CSRD", the “Directive”), countries in Central and Eastern Europe (“CEE”) are still at different stages of implementation. While Romania and Slovakia have completed their legislative processes, Bulgaria and Croatia are still in the legislative pipeline. The Czech Republic and Hungary have completed, at least partially, their transposition, with additional legislation still to be implemented, albeit within uncertain timeframes. For a more comprehensive overview of each stage of the progress on CSRD transposition

Insights June 2024

First in-depth M&A investigation under the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: What it means for future M&A deals

The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (“FSR”) started to apply on 12 July 2023 as another instrument in the EU regulatory toolkit aimed at preventing distortions of competition on the EU internal market. In the spotlight of the framework are foreign subsidies granted to companies carrying out economic activities within the EU in the context of (i) M&A transactions, (ii) public procurement and (iii) other market activities. Foreign subsidies are all financial contributions provided, directly or indirectly, by non-EU countries, including any transfer of financial resources from non-EU countries such as grants, capital injections, loans, tax incentives, credits and funds. In the context of M&A, the FSR imposes

Insights June 2024

Lifting financial assistance prohibition in Slovakia by allowing whitewash procedure

Effective 1 March 2024, financial assistance, i.e., the so-called whitewash procedure, is allowed for joint-stock companies, subject to certain conditions. Previously, such financial assistance was completely prohibited for joint-stock companies. No other types of companies in Slovakia were subject to this limitation. 1. What is the whitewash procedure? Financial assistance is defined as granting advance payments, loans or credits by a target company for the purpose of acquiring its shares and granting security by such company for this purpose. The financial assistance rules apply also for establishment of pledge over the company’s own shares as well as for acquiring, subscribing or establishing a pledge

Insights May 2024

Redomiciliation under AIFC Laws revisited: Definition, benefits, process and booming trend

The Astana International Finance Centre ("AIFC") continues to be a destination point for foreign companies seeking growth and stability in their operations. In addition to the traditional incorporation of companies, the AIFC enables the registration of foreign companies under the “Transfer of incorporation” scheme, i.e., through redomiciliation. It has been five years since the first successful case of “Transfer of incorporation” by Kazakhstan Energy Reinsurance Company Ltd. ("KERC") from Bermuda to the AIFC. Kinstellar acted on this first-of-its-kind redomiciliation project, which set a precedent for the transfer of other foreign operations and capital from overseas to the AIFC. Thus, considering the growing interest