Kamil Blažek is a Partner in the Prague office and the head of the firm-wide Infrastructure & Transportation sector. He also focuses on energy, restructuring and insolvency, M&A and corporate, real estate, foreign direct investments, and export industry.
We appreciate the personal engagement of Kamil Blažek, even on smaller issues. He has an excellent knowledge of the energy industry and adopts a proactive approach. He offers innovative solutions and is quick to react to any changes.
Kamil Blažek provides excellent client service and has deep knowledge and experience in the M&A and energy fields.
Kamil is a pleasure to deal with, extremely commercially aware.
Energy & Natural Resources
- VEOLIA on its acquisition of Pražská teplárenská, one of the largest district heating companies in the Czech Republic
- EZPADA, a Swiss based European energy trading company, on various energy regulatory trading questions in several European jurisdictions including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, and other countries
- NET4GAS AND ITS SHAREHOLDERS on the construction and development of the C4G (Capacity 4 Gas) gas interconnector connecting eastern and southern Germany, as well as on various energy regulatory and permitting issues in connection with the implementation of the Czech-Polish Gas Interconnector
- ČEZ on various energy trading-related matters, including commodities, derivatives, emission reduction units trading, EFET and ISDA agreements
- ČEPS on the drafting of the new Czech Energy Act
- ENBW on their entry into the Czech and Slovak gas trading markets
- THE CZECH DISTRICT HEATING ASSOCIATION on various energy and state aid issues related to legislation on support for combined heat and power generation in the Czech Republic
Infrastructure & Transportation
- INGERSOLL-RAND on the global spin-off of the company’s industrial unit and the subsequent merger with the industrial pump and compressor producer Gardner Denver, creating a company valued USD 15 billion
- DELTA PROJEKTCONSULT on the construction, permitting and environmental aspects of the BMW Group Future Mobility Development Centre project, a test track for self-driving and electric cars near Sokolov in the Czech Republic
- NEXEN TIRE on the development of a EUR 850 million manufacturing plant, one of the largest greenfield investments in the Czech Republic
- SHAWMUT CORPORATION on the construction of an automotive plant and the related permitting processes
- CANPACK on the development of a can production plant on a brownfield site, including acquisition of land, permitting process and construction in relation to the production facility and environmental assistance
- A GROUP OF LENDERS to one of the succesfully pre-qualified bidders on the ongoing Czech PPP project for design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the D4 highway
- THE PRISON SERVICE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC on a number of public procurement and concession law issues in connection with the construction and operation of a production facility in Plzeň
M&A and Corporate
- AN AMERICAN PRIVATE EQUITY FIRM as a bidder on the contemplated USD 4.6 billion acquisition of Westinghouse's global nuclear business
- AN AUSTRIAN ENERGY COMPANY on energy regulatory and energy finance issues related to financing of the acquisition of a portfolio of eight photovoltaic power plants located in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- A LARGE EUROPEAN ENERGY COMPANY on the contemplated acquisition of a 100 percent share in a district heating distribution company; provision of full legal support during the acquisition process, including due diligence and a review of the transactional documentation
- E.ON in connection with the potential acquisition of GasNet, a Czech gas distribution network operator
- ONE EQUITY PARTNERS EUROPE, a private equity firm, on Czech law issues related to the acquisition of Alltub Group
- INTEVA PRODUCTS, a global top-tier supplier of engineered components and systems for the automotive industry, a part of the Renco Group,on the USD 755 million sale to CIE Automotive of its roof business in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania, including pre-sale restructuring
- MET HOLDING on the purchase of Lumius, a holder of licences for power and gas trading in the Czech Republic
- 1996: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Faculty of Law, Master of Law (Mgr.)
- Czech Bar Association
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- Association for Foreign Investment (AFI)
- Society of Czech, Slovak, German and Austrian Lawyers
- Czech Nuclear Society
- INSOL Europe
- Karlsbader Juristentage
Czech, English, German, Russian